Opened in June 2016, Crafted has been in the forefront of providing a great selection of craft beer to the residents of Taipei, Taiwan. Our hope is to continue to provide quality service at an affordable price. We have been lucky to have expanded our family of regulars that come and support us on a consistent basis. We also organize special events that we host every week from music, tastings, food, games and much more.
We hope to see you soon! Welcome and thanks so much for visiting our website.



這是一間精釀啤酒屋,位置在淡水線圓山站的花博公園 Maji Maji 集食行樂裡,Maji Maji 集食行樂集結了很多優秀的創作者和文創手工藝品,這裡有很多西式餐點與各種不同民族特色的美食,還有很多很棒的現場音樂表演以及著名的Triangle Club.我們提供了內用和外帶服務,無論你想小酌一杯到處逛逛或是你想休息放輕鬆吹著空調品嘗一杯啤酒我們都很歡迎.我們努力地提供更多的選擇包括台灣精釀啤酒 進口精釀啤酒 水果酒 以及生啤酒.如果你對啤酒的了解不深我們很樂意陪你尋找你的喜好,竭盡推薦適合你的酒.歡迎你的到來!